Bringing Hong Kong & Asian cinema magic to your screens to Australia



“I want to marry myself!”

To plan for a solo wedding, to marry myself, to declare my forever love for myself to the world!

Attractive comedienne Ping vows to become a viral Youtuber. She concocts a plan to put on a show of marrying herself in what was meant to secure both money and likes! However, the scam ultimately ended up in the discovery of her true self in this coming-of-age fairy tale comedy.

To love others, I must love myself. Simple enough, right? But who am I? In a pageant of love, four contest as lovers, each one goodhearted in their own right. Does Ping want all four or none at all? By marrying herself, can she figure out who she really is? And who she really loves? Ping will tell it all on the day of the solo wedding…

In this satire of marriage and the individual self, nothing is left untouched: women, men, organised religion, homosexuality, the filthy rich, not to mention ye good old mother! Love yourself in Say I do to me, won’t you?


美女小丑藝人阿冰 (吳冰 飾) 搞笑精叻,表情誇張,最愛逗人發笑,與性格狂野,作風踩界的男友Dickson (陳健朗 飾),決志成為熱爆YouTuber,為求提升點擊率,順應網民要求玩求婚,實際是假結婚,慘遭悔婚的阿冰決定要同自己結婚!阿冰舉辦一個人的婚禮,估不到因此變成爆紅KOL,備受追捧,還吸引了眾多粉絲瘋狂追求,阿冰真的驚動了真情!要愛人,先要愛自己,要愛自己,但究竟「我是誰」? 最愛又是誰? 阿冰決意在一人婚禮上,宣告自己的終極大秘密⋯⋯

Movie Info

  • Kiwi Chow


  • Kiwi Chow, Winnie Tsang, Frankie Chung


  • Sabrina Ng, Kin Long Chan, Candy Lo, Jacky Tong, Mixon Wong, Yat Ning Chan, Gregory Wong, J. Lou, Michelle Lo


  • Cantonese with English Subtitling

    粵語, 中英字幕

  • 115 mins

Awards and Recognition

  • 香港電影金像獎 (2024)

    • Nominated Best New Performer (Sabrina Ng)

    • 提名 最佳新演員 (吳冰)

    • Nominated Best Original Film Song (One Person Walks Alone Composer & Vocal Artist:Yoyo Sham)

    • 提名 最佳原創電影歌曲 (一個人走走,作曲及主唱:岑寧兒)


Director: Kiwi CHOW

Director’s Statement

The inspiration for the film came from a news report in 2013 about someone marrying themselves, which I found quite innovative and it sparked a great curiosity to explore the matter. It's a fresh topic for the new generation. The novelty has always been the biggest motivator for my creativity.

I was also genuinely moved by the real 'sologamy' ceremonies. It's said that the biggest problem people have is being unable to be honest with themselves. Throughout my growth, there have been times when I hated myself, wanted to hide, and lied about my past; I was ashamed to sincerely say the words 'I love myself.' Beyond the comedic aspect, this ceremony is a torment for our inner selves, for that part of our soul that feels unlovable.

Every era needs sincerity and humor, and I hope this film can bring that to everyone.





吳冰 飾 阿冰

Sabrina Ng as Ping

吳冰是香港新生代 YouTuber 和女演員,暱稱阿冰,亦是網上短片平台「小薯茄」的成員。她以其活潑開朗的形象獲得年輕觀眾喜愛,曾參與多部微電影及音樂錄影帶作品。《1人婚禮》是她首次主演的電影作品,也是她的電影首秀。

在《一人婚禮》中,吳冰飾演的阿冰是一位美少女 YouTuber,她的外表充滿自信、色彩繽紛,經常展現傻大姐形象。然而,在表面背後,她卻對自己內心深處的情感感到不安,覺得自己並不值得被愛。阿冰以搞笑和逗趣掩蓋自己的脆弱,並以成為網絡大紅人為最大志願。透過參與「一人婚禮」,她探索了自愛與自我接納的課題,這段經歷成為她成長的成人禮。

Sabrina Ng is a rising Hong Kong YouTuber and actress, also a member of the online short film platform "Pomato." Known for her lively and colorful persona, Sabrina has appeared in several short films and music videos. "Say I Do to Me" marks her debut as a lead actress in a feature film.

In "Say I Do to Me," Sabrina plays Ping, a creative and energetic YouTuber with a bubbly personality and a playful heart. Although she presents herself confidently to the world, Ping battles feelings of insecurity and longs for acceptance and love. As a part-time clown performer, Ping dreams of becoming an online sensation. Through the "one-person wedding" experience, Ping embarks on a journey of self-discovery, ultimately embracing self-love and personal growth.

陳健朗 飾 Dickson

Kin-Long Chan as Dickson


在《一人婚禮》中,陳健朗飾演的Dickson是一位賤男形象的 YouTuber,充滿自大和古惑仔氣質。他擁有小聰明,對網絡世界非常熟悉,是個自私、貪玩且咸濕的人。他以冷嘲熱諷他人的無聊事為樂,並沉迷於打機。Dickson與阿冰是青梅竹馬,兩人之間有著微妙的情感張力,而「一人婚禮」的經歷讓他們的關係面臨波折與挑戰。

Kin-Long Chan is a Hong Kong actor and filmmaker. A graduate of the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong, he is known for his award-winning direction of Hand Rolled Cigarette, which earned him the Best New Director title at the 40th Hong Kong Film Awards. Chan is recognized for his versatility in both acting and directing.

In "Say I Do to Me," Kin-Long Chan plays Dickson, a cocky YouTuber with a mischievous streak. He embodies the "bad boy" persona with a bit of street smarts and a strong presence in the online world. Selfish and irreverent, Dickson finds pleasure in mocking trivial matters and indulging in his love of video games. Despite his arrogance, he shares a complicated, long-standing connection with Ping, his childhood friend. The "one-person wedding" experience becomes a turning point that challenges and shakes the dynamics of their relationship.

盧巧音 飾 樂儀

Candy Lo as Lok Yi



Candy Lo is a renowned Hong Kong singer and actress, best known for her impactful songs like "Trash" and "Goodbye My Love". Active since the late 1990s, she transitioned from being the lead singer of the underground band Black & Blue to a successful solo artist. Candy’s music has earned her numerous awards and a significant following in the Hong Kong music scene.

In "Say I Do to Me," Candy plays Lok Yi, a flower shop owner who appears poised and capable on the surface but struggles with obsessive-compulsive tendencies caused by years of emotional suppression. After learning about Ping’s "one-person wedding" and its empowering message of self-love and acceptance, Lok Yi is deeply moved and becomes Ice’s number one fan. This transformative journey helps her face her inner turmoil and begin the process of healing.

王宗堯 飾 Kenneth

Gregory Wong as Kenneth



Gregory Wong is a well-known Hong Kong actor who began his career in Taiwan, appearing in various dramas and films before returning to Hong Kong. In 2020, he became the first salaried contract artist on the online platform "DOOsee" under Chapman To. His versatility as an actor has garnered him significant attention in the entertainment industry.

In "Say I Do to Me," Gregory plays Kenneth, the devoted husband of Lok Yi (Candy Lo). He exudes a gentlemanly charm and a mature, stable aura. Kenneth is endlessly patient and caring toward his wife, Lok Yi, who struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder. His attentive nature and dedication to their marriage create an image of a perfect union in Ping's (Sabrina Ng) eyes, serving as an example of what an ideal relationship looks like as she embarks on her own journey of self-discovery through the "one-person wedding."egin the process of healing.

陳逸寧 飾 Stephanie

Yat Ning Chan as Stephanie

陳逸寧,馬來西亞出生,兩歲時隨父母移居香港,畢業於香港樹仁大學輔導及心理學系。她於1999年憑香港電台電視劇《Y2K前的暑假》正式出道,隨後加入中國星,並以電影《辣椒教室》嶄露頭角。憑《蝴蝶》(2004) 開始受到廣泛關注,並於《春嬌與志明》及《恭喜八婆》等多部電影中發揮出色。


Yat Ning Chan, born in Malaysia, moved to Hong Kong at the age of two and later graduated from Shue Yan University with a degree in counseling and psychology. She was discovered by a talent scout in 1999 and made her debut in the RTHK drama Y2K Summer Vacation. Over the years, she has starred in multiple films, including Butterfly (2004), Love in a Puff, and Missbehavior.

In "Say I Do to Me," Yat Ning Chan plays Stephanie, a former actress who has gone through six marriages. She gave birth to Ping (Sabrina Ng) when she was very young but has always avoided her responsibilities as a mother. Despite the emotional distance between her and Ping, the "one-person wedding" provides them with an opportunity to confront their feelings and for Ping to gain new insights into family and love.

唐浩然 飾 子浚

Jacky Hoo-Yin Tong as Tsz Chun

唐浩然是香港男演員,2016年畢業於香港演藝學院電影電視學院,主修導演。2019年憑 ViuTV 電視劇《教束》嶄露頭角,並於2022年加入網上短片平台「試當真」參與幕前幕後製作,亦首次參與電影《深宵閃避球》。


Jacky Hoo-Yin Tong is a Hong Kong actor who graduated from the School of Film and Television at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2016, majoring in directing. He gained recognition as one of the lead actors in ViuTV's series Limited Education (2019) and joined the online platform "Trial & Error" in 2022, participating in both acting and production. He made his film debut in Midnight Dodgeball (2022).

In "Say I Do to Me," Jacky plays Tsz Chun, a kind-hearted and devout Christian. Despite his quirky, religiously infused conversations that make him seem a bit eccentric, he harbors a pure and innocent love for Ping (Sabrina Ng). After helping her secure a church venue for her "one-person wedding" through his church connections, Tsz Chun believes he has received a divine message and declares, "God told me to marry you," adding an element of humor and emotional complexity to the story.

黃寶漳 飾 Charles

Mixon Wong as Charles



Mixon Wong, a Hong Kong and French mixed-race actor and model, gained recognition for his striking looks and distinctive charm. After traveling across Europe and South America for three years, he became more familiar to the public in 2022 through his participation in ViuTV’s show Sister Market and his film debut in Hong Kong Family.

In "Say I Do to Me," Mixon plays Charles, a wealthy and talented hotel magnate with stunning looks, the embodiment of a prince charming. After taking over the family hotel business, Charles selects Ping (Sabrina Ng) as the hotel’s spokesperson and fantasizes about her as his very own princess. Beneath his successful exterior, Charles harbors an almost childlike obsession with fairy tales, longing for his perfect fairytale romance.

林欣J Lou 飾 Kitty

J Lou as Kitty

林欣J Lou 是香港的YouTuber,擁有37萬訂閱,作品大多圍繞中法文化差異,包括中法美食、語言等。她以輕鬆有趣的內容吸引了大量觀眾,並成功在網絡上建立了自己的品牌。

在《一人婚禮》中,林欣J Lou 飾演的Kitty是Charles(黃寶漳飾)的私人助理,性感又聰明,暗戀著她的老闆。Kitty一直認為自己是灰姑娘,等著Charles發現她的好,但隨著阿冰(吳冰飾)的出現,Charles神魂顛倒,Kitty發現自己變成了嫉妒的惡毒姐姐。她對阿冰充滿敵意,妒忌Charles對她的好感,內心掙扎於愛與嫉妒之間。

J Lou, a Hong Kong-based YouTuber with 370,000 subscribers, is known for her content focusing on cultural differences, particularly between Chinese and French cuisine and language. She has built a successful online brand by blending humor and cultural exploration in her videos.

In "Say I Do to Me," J Lou plays Kitty, the personal assistant to Charles (Mixon Wong). Smart, sexy, and secretly in love with her boss, Kitty sees herself as Cinderella, waiting for Charles to notice her. However, when Charles becomes infatuated with Ping (Sabrina Ng), a popular influencer, Kitty’s fantasies are shattered. She transforms from the hopeful Cinderella into the jealous stepsister, bitter towards any woman who captures Charles’ attention, particularly Ping.

盧覓雪 飾 盧牧師

Michelle Lo as Pastor Lo



Michelle Lo is a veteran media professional and entertainer in Hong Kong, known for her work as an entertainment journalist, editor, radio host, and actress. She has held key positions in several media outlets and appeared in various TV shows and films. Lo is widely recognized for her wit and humor, often taking on comedic and bold roles.

In "Say I Do to Me," Michelle Lo plays Pastor Lo, a wise and progressive church leader. She is supportive and encouraging to the confused and troubled youth within the church. Although she personally supports the empowering message of the "one-person wedding," she faces pressure from church higher-ups and is forced to withdraw her support for the venue. Pastor Lo’s character reflects the tension between personal beliefs and institutional constraints.