Bringing Hong Kong & Asian cinema magic to your screens to Australia

Hong Kong Film Festival (Australia)

The Hong Kong Film Festival (Australia) debuted in July 2024, captivating Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane with a vibrant celebration of Hong Kong’s cinematic excellence and resilience.

The festival showcased three short films by Hong Kong filmmakers in Australia, allowing them to share their unique perspectives. These shorts offered a poignant glimpse into the lives of Hong Kongers abroad, resonating with audiences.

The festival successfully fostered a sense of community, bringing together film enthusiasts, cultural organizations, and the wider public to engage in meaningful dialogues and cultural exchanges. The 2024 festival was not just about watching films—it was about celebrating the connections between Hong Kong and Australia through the universal language of cinema.





The Love Story of Sam and Sally

Join the Actors' Family for a captivating musical experience tailored for Australian and Singaporean audiences. The production features 22 timeless Cantonese pop songs from Hong Kong's golden era, reimagined to create a fresh and delightful show. The story follows Sam and Sally through a romantic and comedic tale of love, separation, and reunion, enriched with unforgettable melodies. This heartwarming performance promises laughter, love, and nostalgia, appealing to generations of Cantonese pop fans.


演戲家族經典愛情音樂劇《戀愛輕飄飄》澳洲及新加坡巡演經典的旋律 X 輕盈的愛情 飄然而至澳洲 🎶

演戲家族經典愛情音樂劇《戀愛輕飄飄》於2002年首演以來,自2008年開始於各地巡演,每次演出皆叫好叫座,口碑載道。《戀愛輕飄飄》以愛情故事為主幹,藉男女主角Sam及Sally 的愛情長跑,配上20多首耳熟能詳的經典香港流行曲,以輕喜劇風格及幽默對白帶來各種人生反思。這次演戲家族籌備已久,終於越洋過海把屬於香港的粵語音樂劇帶至澳洲及新加坡,讓海外觀眾親身感受充滿「港味」的愛情故事及粵語流行曲的魅力!這次海外巡演為全新製作,帶來令人耳目一新的星級陣容,加上多首經典香港流行曲,以及豐富的舞台表演,必能令觀眾度過一個難忘的晚上!澳洲及新加坡巡演將於5月3日開始公開售票,敬請留意演戲家族公佈有關最新詳情,萬勿錯過!