Bringing Hong Kong & Asian cinema magic to your screens to Australia


We're in Hong Kong in 2022. 25 years after the handover and 25 years after the graduation of three classmates who decide to organise a reunion. In bittersweet tones, director Amos Why captures the unusual day of the three and their (and our) relationship with their phones: one of them has forgotten theirs, another one's has been hacked, while the third's keeps receiving strange messages. And the fourth protagonist is Hong Kong itself. 


三個主角其實遠在 25 年前(1997 年)暑假,聯袂購買了人生第一部手機,並將自己對未來的憧憬,透過SMS互傳給對方收藏 他們傳給對方的訊息,就像時間膠囊一樣。他們約定在 2022 吃飯敘舊,揭曉當初傳給對方的訊息。最後,他們三人都因自己的智能手機,經歷了不平凡的一天,也為自己的人生找到了新意義。

Movie Info

  • Amos WHY


  • Winnie TSANG, Amos WHY, Teresa KWONG, Frankie CHUNG, Philo WU, Pao-ying CHEN


  • Endy CHOW, Rosa Maria VELASCO, Peter CHAN, Henick CHOU, Lai-ying TANG, Cecilia CHOI


  • Cantonese with English Subtitling

    粵語, 中英字幕

  • 91 mins

  • 紐約亞洲電影節 (2023)

    • North American Premiere

    • 北美首映

  • 烏甸尼遠東電影節 (2023)

    • Official Selection

    • 正式入選

  • 台北電影節 (2023)

    • Official Selection

    • 正式入選

  • 大阪亞洲電影節 (2024)

    • Japan Premiere in the "Special Focus on Hong Kong" section

    • 「香港焦點」單元日本首映

  • 索諾瑪國際電影節 (2024)

    • Official Selection

    • 正式入選


Director: Amos WHY

Director’s Statement

Stemming from a pact made by the three protagonists 25 years ago, Everyphone Everywhere reflects urbanites’ reliance and trust of our modern day smartphones. Imagine forgetting to bring your phone, and for one reason or another you are not able to go home to retrieve it. How would you get through the day? Perhaps you won’t even remember the time of the appointment, or the address, or phone number, of even the route to the venue if you are disconnected from the internet. And when a stranger uses a smartphone to connect with you, will he or she turn out to be the way you imagined? Everyphone Everywhere explores our modern day reliance on technology, whilst lamenting on the simpler times in the past. 


《全個世界都有電話》的核心故事,圍繞著 3 位朋友及其親人展開,從 25 年前的約定到實現,一方面藉由智慧手機、網路、社群軟體等當代人不可或缺的生活必需品,反映城市人對智能手機的依賴與信任。請試想,如果忘記帶手機出門,離家後又因為種種原因不能回家取回手機,那一天你會怎麼過?你可能記不起會議的時間,記不起約會的地點,找不到電話號碼,認不出要走的路線,跟整個世界斷絕聯絡。每當有陌生人透過智能手機跟你聯絡,那人的真實樣貌會跟你想像的一樣嗎?《全個世界都有電話》突顯了當代人對科技及時過境遷的感嘆。